
安達一典 教授



  • 博士(歯学) 1999年3月 日本大学
  • 学士(歯学) 1995年3月 日本大学
  • Sato H, Satoh K, Nozaki K, Yugawa M, Kato T, Toyoda H, Katagiri A, Suda N, Adachi K. Reduced menthol sensitivity in a prodromal Parkinson’s disease model induced by intranasal rotenone treatment. (Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 18: 1-10, 2024)
  • Yin DY, Toyoda H, Nozaki K, Satoh K, Katagiri A, Adachi K, Kato T, Sato H. Taste Impairments in a Parkinson’s Disease Model Featuring Intranasal Rotenone Administration in Mice. (Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 12(6): 1863-1880, 2022)
  • Tsuchiya T et al., Different Therapeutic Effects of CO2 and Diode Laser Irradiation on Tooth Movement-Related Pain. (Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 10.3389/fneur.2020.00481, 2020)
  • Sessle BJ, Adachi K et al., Orofacial Pain and Sleep. (Contemporary Oral Medicine, Chapter 40-1, 1-27, 2017)
  • Sasaki A, Hasegawa N, Adachi K et al, Orthodontic treatment-induced temporal alteration of jaw-opening reflex excitability. (J Neurophysiol, 118, 2289-2295, 2017)
  • 安達 一典.パーキンソン病での咀嚼運動.(Annual Review 2015 神経:鈴木 則宏、祖父 江元、荒木 信夫、宇川 義一、河原 信隆 編:pp189-195, 2015)
  • Ikeda H, Adachi K et al. Investigating complex basal ganglia circuitry in the regulation of motor behaviour, with particular focus on orofacial movement. (Behav Pharmacol 26: 18-32, 2015)
  • 堀江 憲夫,長尾 隆英,日野 峻輔,加藤 崇雄,金子 貴広,坂上 宏,安達 一典,立効散鎮痛効果の仮性疼痛モデルによる検討.(歯科薬物療法,33,1-9,2014)
  • Yao D, Adachi K et al. Jaw-opening reflex and corticobulbar motor excitability changes during quiet sleep in non-human primates. (Sleep 36, 269-80, 2013)
  • Adachi K et al. Anatomical and electrophysiological mechanisms for asymmetrical excitatory propagation in the rat insular cortex: In vivo optical imaging and whole-cell patch-clamp studies. (J Comp Neurol 521: 1598-613, 2013)
  • Adachi K et al. Disruption of programmed masticatory movements in unilateral MPTP-treated monkeys as a model of jaw movement abnormality in Parkinson's disease (J Neural Transmission 119: 933-41, 2012)
  • Huynh N, Lavigne GJ, Okura K, Yao D, Adachi K. Sleep bruxism. (Eds: PJ Vinken and GW Bruyn. In: Handbook of clinical neurology, pp901-11, 2011)
  • Koshikawa N, Fujita S, Adavhi K. BEHAVIORAL PHARMACOLOGY OF OROFACIAL MOVEMENT DISORDERS, (Eds: Kobayashi M, Koshikawa N, Iwata K and Waddington JL. In: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF NEUROBIOLOGY, pp1-38, 2011)